Apartment Resident Information

You'll find helpful information related to services, amenities and daily life in our apartments, plus answers to important questions below.

Information related to apartment policies can be found in our Apartment Resident Handbook. Guidance related to maintenance issues and emergency/important contact information is located on our Apartment Maintenance, Contacts and Emergencies page. Find other important content on our Apartment Billing Information and Apartment Lease Change Requests pages.

Internet Access and Cable TV

Internet Service and Cable Television at Goodwin-Green

Goodwin-Green apartments are on the same network as the residence halls. Wireless internet service is provided by Technology Services at Illinois. Our technology section explains internet access at Goodwin-Green. Residents experiencing problems may receive assistance by submitting a help request online or by giving us a call at 217-244-1111.

Goodwin-Green apartments have Xfinity streaming services in the apartment or by using a mobile application.

For problems with Xfinity streaming service, please submit a request. You can also request assistance by calling the Family & Graduate Housing Office at 217-333-5656 on business days between 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Internet Service at Ashton Woods and Orchard Downs

High-speed internet service is provided by Comcast. Residents experiencing problems with their internet service should submit a request. Residents may also call the Family & Graduate Housing Office at 217-333-5656 for assistance during business hours.

Cable Television at Ashton Woods and Orchard Downs

Orchard Downs and Ashton Woods apartments are equipped with a 90-channel basic cable television (TV) package. You may also order additional channels by contacting the cable company directly and paying for any additional charges. The cables provided in the apartment are the property of University Housing and must remain in the apartment when the lease ends.

Due to the unique locations of Orchard Downs and Ashton Woods, Housing subsidizes broadband internet and cable TV from Comcast for residents in these locations. If you are experiencing a problem with your cable or internet service, please submit a request to Comcast. You can also request assistance by calling the Family & Graduate Housing Office at 217-333-5656 on business days between 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

The following items are provided in each apartment:

  • cable modem
  • cable modem power supply
  • 3 coaxial cables
  • coaxial splitter
Connection setup
  1. Connect one of the coaxial cables to the coaxial wall jack
  2. Connect the other end of that coaxial cable to the end of the coaxial splitter with only one receptor
  3. Connect one coaxial cable to each remaining receptor of the coaxial splitter
  4. Connect one of the coaxial cables from the coaxial splitter to your TV
  5. Connect the other coaxial cable from the coaxial splitter to the cable modem
  6. Connect the small plug of the cable modem power supply to the cable modem
  7. Connect the large plug of the cable modem power supply to a wall socket
  8. Using your own Ethernet cable, connect the cable modem to your computer, router, or switch


Outside antennas and satellite dishes are not permitted.

Air Conditioners

Orchard Downs

Family & Graduate Housing supplies one window air-conditioning (AC) unit for the Orchard Downs apartments. Note that the electricity used by the AC unit is part of your power bill. Residents should contact Maintenance if they are experiencing problems with their air conditioner. Remodeled apartments in Orchard Downs are furnished with central air-conditioning units.


Family & Graduate Housing supplies window air-conditioning (AC) units for the Goodwin-Green apartments. Sleeping rooms and efficiency apartments are provided one living room window unit. One-bedroom apartments are provided with one living room unit and one-bedroom unit. Please note that the electricity used by the AC unit(s) is part of your power bill. Residents should contact Maintenance if they are experiencing problems with their air conditioner.

Ashton Woods

Ashton Woods apartments are furnished with central air-conditioning units. Residents should contact Maintenance if they are experiencing problems with their air-conditioning system.

Ashton Woods Pets Policy

Residents of Ashton Woods may request permission to have up to two companion pets per apartment and fish tanks of 50 gallons or less. Residents are required to sign a pet agreement prior to obtaining a pet and comply with all terms of the pet policy.

Electricity & Gas

Ameren is responsible for service delivery for electricity for power and gas for heating. If you have any questions on your delivery services – such as power outages, metering or service requests – please contact Ameren Illinois Customer Service at 1-800-755-5000.

Residents at Goodwin-Green are connected to the university system for heating, which is included in the rent. The heating system at Goodwin-Green is powered by steam, so it cannot be instantly turned on or off when the outdoor temperature varies over a wide range as is common in the spring and fall. The decision as to when the university turns the heating system on and off is based on the average outdoor temperature over a certain number of days. Each Goodwin-Green resident does have limited control over the heat output in their apartment with the knob that is part of the radiator in the apartment.

Each Family & Graduate Housing leaseholder will receive a monthly bill from Ameren. Co-tenants will receive one monthly bill which they will be responsible for paying in cooperation with one another.

Goodwin-Green Locker Storage

Goodwin-Green residents may request a storage locker located in the basement level of Goodwin-Green. Residents may complete a storage locker request to secure a locker.

Items to Borrow

Orchard Downs

Emergency Jump Starter

The Emergency Jump Starter is a portable device that residents may use to jump-start their cars. To check out the jump starter, residents can come to the Family & Graduate Housing Office to borrow the device. After you get your car running again, return the jump starter to the office. If you have questions about this device, call the Family & Graduate Housing Office at 217-333-5656.

Bicycle Tire Air Pumps

The Family & Graduate Housing Office has a bicycle pump that residents can borrow. The pump can be checked out for one hour. Stop by the FGH Office to check it out and make sure you return it within the hour.

Moving Carts

The Family & Graduate Housing Office has moving carts available for Orchard Downs residents to check out. Due to the limited number of moving carts, the Family & Graduate Housing staff request that carts be returned within 24 hours. Carts are available in the Family & Graduate Housing Office. Stop by during regular office hours, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. In the Orchard Downs Community, the North Laundry has a Bike Fix-It Station.


Borrow Items from the Daniels Hall Desk

Goodwin-Green residents can borrow the following items from the Daniels Hall Desk with your i-card: vacuum cleaners, movies, board games, office supplies and ping pong equipment.

Moving Carts

At Goodwin-Green, carts are available in the lower levels of each building. In 1107 Green, the carts are in storage locker number 9, and in 300 Goodwin, carts are in locker number 99. Residents use their apartment key to access the storage area and the padlock on the designated locker. Residents are expected to return the cart immediately following use. Overnight use of carts is not allowed. Residents must lock the cage before they leave the storage area.

Keys and Card Access

Residents without a roommate/co-tenant receive two apartment keys and two mailbox keys at check-in. Residents living in a two-bedroom apartment with a roommate/co-tenant will receive one apartment key and one mailbox key.

At Orchard Downs you will use your apartment key for access to the laundry buildings, computer center and study room, all located on the Orchard Downs property.

At Goodwin-Green, the exterior doors are operated by card access. Residents will have their University Identification Card (i-card) activated as their access card. Dependents will need to obtain a University of Illinois Visitor Card to gain entry into the building. You can request a Visitor Card by completing a form in the Family & Graduate Housing Office. The dependent can then obtain an i-card from the University i-card Office, located in the Illini Union Bookstore. Please notify the Family & Graduate Housing Office of the University Identification Number (UIN) when you have the card so it can be activated. You may complete an online form to receive a temporary access card for visitors.

If your i-card is not working or is lost, please contact the Family & Graduate Housing Office at 1841 Orchard Place, Urbana, or call the office at 217-333-5656, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. At all other times, contact the Daniels Hall front desk, 1010 W. Green Street, Urbana, 217-333-0464, which is open seven days a week, 24 hours a day (hours may be reduced during university holidays).

Laundry Facilities

University Housing provides laundry facilities at all apartment locations. Washers and dryers are available for residents’ use. The laundry facilities are shared by the Family & Graduate Housing community. Please follow common courtesy, remain with your clothes while using the machines and remove your clothes from the washer or dryer as soon as the machine’s cycle is complete. University Housing is not responsible for clothes left in any machine or laundry facility. Report concerns about the laundries using the Maintenance Request link here or below.  

The university provides individual apartment size washers and dryers in the Orchard Downs remodeled apartments. Other than these units, individual mechanical washers or dryers are not permitted in any university apartments. Any apartment resident found to have a washer or dryer in their apartment will be considered to be in violation of their lease terms and conditions and subject to having their lease terminated.

Ashton Woods washers and dryers are available in the lower level of each building for residents’ use.

Goodwin-Green laundry facilities are located in 1107 W. Green and in 300 S. Goodwin basement areas. Ironing boards and irons are available for residents’ use in the laundry rooms in Goodwin-Green. Use your i-card to gain access to the laundry entrance doors.

Orchard Downs has two laundry facilities conveniently located within the community. The North Laundry is located at 1900 S. Orchard Street. The South Laundry is located at 2050 S. Orchard Street. Your apartment key provides access.

Family & Graduate Housing has provided a washing machine and dryer in the Orchard Downs South Laundry that is specifically designed to assist residents in a wheelchair. Please refrain from using these appliances so our residents with limited mobility will have accessible appliances to use.

Mail Delivery/Mailing Address

United States mailboxes are conveniently located near each apartment building. The U.S. Postal Service will deliver all first-class mail to your mailbox on a daily basis (excluding Sundays and federal holidays).

When you provide your address to others, it should be written in the following manner:

Your name
Your street address and apartment number or letter
City, State, Zip Code

For all international mail, include USA after the address line.

Package Delivery

All apartment locations have a mailbox system which allows residents to receive packages from the United States Postal Service (USPS) via a secured package mailbox at each location. If you receive a package, a key to the secured box will be placed in your apartment mailbox. After obtaining the package from the mailbox, replace the key in the package box lock. It is important to retrieve these packages as quickly as possible so the package box can be used by other members of the community. Packages delivered by other delivery companies will follow that company’s procedure. The Family & Graduate Housing Office is not able to receive packages on behalf of any resident. Packages sent to the Family & Graduate Housing Office will be declined and returned to sender.


  • At Goodwin-Green, the mailboxes are located in the main lobbies of 1107 W. Green and 300 S. Goodwin.
  • At Ashton Woods and Orchard Downs, mailboxes are grouped together with individual boxes assigned to each apartment. The bank of mailboxes also has a slot for outgoing mail. Refer to the Ashton Woods and Orchard Downs maps for mailbox locations.


Orchard Downs and Ashton Woods:

Convenient parking is provided at both Orchard Downs and Ashton Woods at no additional charge. Complete the parking registration process online to obtain a permit. There is enough parking for one vehicle per family. If residents have a second car, they will be required to obtain approval from the Family & Graduate Housing Office for a second parking permit prior to parking in the Orchard Downs or Ashton Woods lots. They may be required to park the second vehicle in an alternative lot other than where the first vehicle is parked.


The University Parking Department manages parking next to the Goodwin-Green apartment complex. To request a parking permit, please visit parking.illinois.edu.

Residents who park at Goodwin-Green will be billed a parking fee. The fee will be billed by the University Parking Department to your student account at the time the permit is distributed. Permits are valid through July 31 each year. It is important the permit be returned to the Parking Department upon check out or you will continue to be charged for the permit.

Seeking Roommates - University Housing Apartments

Looking for a roommate? Check out our roommate bulletin board!

The University of Illinois Family & Graduate Housing Roommate Bulletin Board is a communication tool provided as a service to new and current University Housing Apartment residents seeking a roommate (co-tenant) within the Family & Graduate Housing apartment communities. Roommates must be affiliated with the University of Illinois, each have their own University Apartment lease and live in a two-bedroom apartment at the Orchard Downs or Ashton Woods apartment complex. We cannot publish posts for non-University owned properties. Posts are reviewed within 5 to 7 days of submission and if approved, then published at this site. Posts are deleted from this site after 60 days.

Posts that do not meet the guidelines will be edited or deleted with no notice. Family & Graduate Housing assumes no liability for any posts or replies.

Shower Curtain Replacement

Residents who choose to replace their shower curtain should refer to the size guidelines provided. Standard-size (72-inch wide) shower curtains are the appropriate size for all Family & Graduate Housing apartments except one-bedroom apartments at Goodwin-Green. The correct size shower curtain for one-bedroom apartments at Goodwin-Green is 90-inches wide. If residents cannot locate a 90-inch wide shower curtain, it is recommended that they purchase one 72-inch wide and one 36-inch wide shower curtain and then overlap them on the shower rod.

Student Insurance

The University requires all eligible students be covered by health insurance and provides a plan for which the fee is automatically assessed along with student tuition and fees. Spouse and dependents can receive this health coverage for a fee. Coverage under the plan is worldwide.

Trash Disposal & Recycling

University Housing provides garbage collection six days a week. Large garbage dumpsters are located in the parking lots in Orchard Downs and Ashton Woods. At Goodwin-Green, garbage dumpsters are conveniently located outside of 300 S. Goodwin and 1107 W. Green. Please place garbage inside the dumpster, not on the ground around the dumpster. Family & Graduate Housing and University Housing are committed to our recycling program, and we hope residents will support it as well. University Housing does not provide glass recycling. Several drop-off sites are available throughout the Orchard Downs and Ashton Woods communities. At Goodwin-Green, recycling bins are available outside 300 S. Goodwin and inside the 1107 W. Green building. Please drop materials off at these sites.