
Experiential Opportunities

Alternative Spring Break

You have the opportunity to do something different with your Spring Break! Residents in University Housing can immerse themselves in a topic area and empower themselves with service and advocacy. Topics might include environmental stewardship, education, issues related to homelessness or affordable housing. You will also learn about the culture and traditions of the community while engaged in conversation, mutual understanding and collaboration. Previous trip destinations have included New Orleans and Montgomery, Alabama.

GLACURH Conference

Read about the Great Lakes Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (GLACURH).

NACURH Conference

Read about the National Association of College and University Residence Halls (NACURH).

Project Leadership

Want to get involved, but aren’t sure how best to start? What are your strengths? Want to make an action plan?

Project Leadership is our opportunity to inform and create a spark in Illinois students about different opportunities they can be involved in. Participants will have the opportunity to network with fellow Project Leadership participants, identify healthy boundaries for getting involved and learn about working effectively with peers from different backgrounds and perspectives.

Day Trips

Residential Inclusion and Leadership Education hosts day trips throughout the school year to help students learn about a topic area that may interest them. Past trips have been to the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center and the National Museum of Mexican Art.

Tunnel of Oppression

Students from our student groups create an opportunity to experience aspects of their lives that others may not be aware of through exhibits similar to what one would experience in a museum.