
The Business LLC is designed to serve you if you wish to pursue business as a field of study, seek to enhance your interest in business or want to develop a foundational understanding of how business interacts with other fields.

Location and Contact

Third and fourth floors of Nugent Hall.

Contact Information
Phone: 217-244-9700


Programs and Fees

Business LLC residents benefit from access to special courses, guest speakers and resources to strengthen their development as future business professionals, entrepreneurs and business-engaged leaders. There are sections of business-related courses offered in nearby classrooms that residents can attend. Curricular and co-curricular aspects of the LLC are designed around developing a business mindset that is global, goal-driven, resilient, integrity-centered and analytic.

A fee of $300 to support the co-curricular and extracurricular learning opportunities in this community is added to the academic year living costs.

Course Information

In addition to the Gies College of Business first-year cohort course, BUS 101, Business LLC residents have priority access to popular courses in innovation and leadership, entrepreneurship and other general courses for business students.

Courses offered in the LLC are conveniently hosted on site and typically smaller in size. These courses cover a wide range of subjects and include unique experiential learning opportunities. Business LLC courses fulfill degree, general education, minor and certificate requirements.